Privacy Policy

pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”)

This Privacy Policy is intended to describe the management of personal data collected by Fondazione Scimeca through this website, in accordance with the applicable regulations. You can print or save this document using the functionality of your internet service program (=browser: usually “file”> “save as”).

personal data collection

The personal data that can be collected are the following:

  • – personal data for registering to the site to open a customer account
  • – data on the customer account page relating to the processing of orders and the purchase methods chosen by the user
  • – e-mail address for receiving newsletters
  • – personal data provided for specific assistance
  • – navigation data
  • – cookies, for whose details, please refer to the Cookie Policy on the website
  • – statistical data, not traceable to the person, linked to the viewing of the site
  • – pseudonymised profiling data associated with personalised advertising for the user

Optional nature of data provision

Apart from what is specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide the personal data necessary for the Scimeca Foundation to be able to use the web services made available by the Company, subject to consent to this policy. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain the requested.

As for cookies, so please refer in detail to the cookie policy, the user has the possibility at any time to block them.

For completeness it should be remembered that in some cases (not subject to the ordinary management of this site) the Authority may request news and information, for the purposes of control over the processing of personal data. In these cases, the response is mandatory under penalty of administrative sanction.

As for the “stay connected” function, designed by the Company to make viewing the site as pleasant as possible, the user can make it active; in any case, the password is required for any change of personal data and/ or to place an order.

purposes and means of processing

The personal data collected (“Data”) may be processed for the following purposes:

  • – subject to the consent of the data subject, to execute a specific request of the user;
  • – send newsletters with commercial and/or promotional information about the Company’s products and services, (“Marketing”);
  • – with the consent of the interested party, to allow the Company to carry out pseudonymized profiling of the user, to improve the shopping experience, making it personalized. The data may
  • – be processed on paper and/or electronically and automated, in particular by post or email, telephone (e.g. automated calls, SMS, MMS), fax and any other IT channel (e.g. websites, mobile apps);

Other parties that may process data

The Data may be processed by subjects operating on behalf of the Company and pursuant to specific contractual obligations. The Data may also be communicated to third parties to comply with legal obligations, to comply with orders from public authorities, or for prior consent or to exercise a right of the Company in court.

Data transfer outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

The Data may be processed by subjects operating on behalf of the Company and pursuant to specific contractual obligations.

The personal data of the user that passes through the Company’s website is managed in a secure way through the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system: this applies from the login to the completion of the order to the retention of data.

Link to third party websites

Third party websites accessible from this site are the responsibility of the same third parties. The Company declines any responsibility for requests and/or provision of personal data to third party websites.

Data controller

The data controller is Fondazione Scimeca, with registered office in Registered office: Via Termitana 34/d, 90012 Caccamo (PA)
Phone: (+39) 0918121608 | Email: | PEC:
All current references of the Company are reported in the belly of each page of the Company’s website.

Data retention

  • – The Data processed to provide the Service will be kept by the Company for the period deemed strictly necessary to achieve these purposes, unless it should handle any disputes related to the provision of the Service, the conservation of which would be carried out until the completion of this process.
  • – Customer Account Data is kept for ten years from the user’s last use of the service.
  • – The Data processed for Marketing purposes will be retained by the Company from the moment the data subject has provided his consent until such consent is revoked. In the event that consent is revoked, such data may be stored for a longer period, as in the previous case, in order to handle any disputes and/or disputes.
  • – The Data processed to improve the user experience on websites will be stored for the periods indicated in the Cookie Policy.

The data subject’s rights

The data subject has the following rights:

  • – right of access, that is, the right to obtain from the Company the confirmation that the processing of the Data is ongoing or not and, in this case, to obtain access to it;
  • – right to rectification and erasure, that is, the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate Data and/or the integration of incomplete Data or the deletion of Data for legitimate reasons;
  • – the right to restriction of processing, that is, the right to request the suspension of processing where there are legitimate grounds;
  • – the right to data portability, that is, the right to receive the Data in a structured, commonly used and readable format, as well as the right to transmit the Data to another data controller, if applicable;
  • – right to object, that is, the right to object to the processing of Data where there are legitimate reasons, including the processing of Data for marketing and profiling purposes, if applicable;
  • – the right to receive information on data breaches concerning him.


This Privacy Policy has been updated on 20/02/2024. The Company reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy in part or in full or simply to update its content (for example following changes to the applicable law), following which the same will publish any updates on this website.